piatok 30. marca 2012
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Lord, I ask not about miracles, and not the mirages, and the strength of each day. Teach me the art of small steps.
Make me an observant and resourceful, that the diversity of everyday life in time to dwell on the discoveries and experiences that made me excited.
Teach me how to properly dispose of time in my life. Give me a subtle flair to distinguish primary from the secondary.
I ask about the power of restraint and measures that I have on life fluttered and slid, and wisely planned throughout the day, could see the distant peaks and spacious, and even sometimes to find time to enjoy art.
Help me to realize that illusions do not help with anything. Neither memories of the past or dreams for the future.
Help me to be here and now and accept that moment as the most important.
Protect me from the naive belief that everything in life should be smooth.
Give me a clear consciousness that the complexity of defeat, the fall and failure are just a natural part of life, through which we grow and mature.
Remind me that the heart often argues with reason.
Send me the right time someone who has the courage to tell me the truth, but would do it with love.
I know that many problems can be solved if we do nothing, so teach me patience.
You know how much we need the friendship. Let me be worthy of this most beautiful and tender gift of fate.
Give me a rich imagination in the right place, at the right time, in silence, or speaking, give someone the necessary heat.
Make me a man who knows how to reach those who really "down".
Keep me from the fear of missing something in life.
Give me not what I want, but what I really needed.
Teach me the art of small steps.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Neprosím o zázrak, Pane, ale o sílu pro všední život.
Nauč mě umění malých kroků. Učiň mne hledajícím a nalézajícím, učiň mne sebejistým v pravý čas.
Obdař mne jemnocitem, abych dokázal odlišit prvořadé od druhořadého. Prosím o disciplínu, abych jen tak neproklouzl životem a rozdělil si rozumně své dny, abych neprospal záblesky světla a vrcholy a abych si aspoň tu a tam našel čas na umělecký zážitek. Dovol mi přesvědčit se o tom, že snít o minulosti či budoucnosti mi nepomůže. Pomoz mi co nejlépe zvládnout to, co je nejbližší, pomoz mi pokládat právě prožívanou hodinu za nejdůležitější.
Ochraň mě před naivní vírou, že v životě musí jít všechno hladce.
Daruj mi střízlivé poznání, že těžkosti, porážky, neúspěchy a zklamání jsou přirozenou součástí života, že díky jim rosteme a dozráváme.
Připomínej mi, že srdce se často staví proti rozumu. Pošli mi v pravou chvíli někoho, kdo má odvahu říci mi pravdu s láskou.
Chléb každodenní dej mi pro tělo i duši, projev Tvé lásky, přátelské echo, a aspoň tu a tam náznak, že budu užitečný.
Vím, že mnoho problémů se řeší neděláním: dej, abych dokázal čekat. Ať vždycky nechám Tebe i ostatní dohovořit.
To nejdůležitější si člověk neříká sám, to nejdůležitější mu bývá řečeno.
Ty víš, jak velmi potřebujeme přátelství. Dej, abych dorostl této nejkrásnější, nejtěžší, nejriskantnější a nejněžnější záležitosti života. Vnukni mi pravou chvíli a pravé místo, kde mohu zanechat balíček dobra, slovy či beze slov.
Chraň mne před strachem, že bych mohl promarnit svůj život. Nedávej mi to, co si přeji, ale to, co potřebuji.
Nauč mne umění malých kroků.
Also like: http://markandrews.edublogs.org/2010/06/29/on-ne-voit-bien-quavec-le-coeur-lessentiel-est-invisible-pour-les-yeux/
Or you can try quiz :D http://www.mastersoftrivia.com/humanities/literature/authors/antoine-de-saint-exupry/game-the-antoine-de-saint-exupry-trivia-quiz-156.html
House NA
But I think that this is perfect how to use sun to your house, all day full of daylight. Sure you have to earn money for electricity.
Think of that in Japan has no more place to build, but they still built new, very expensive to buy new location, area. But still can see new buildings:) How amazing
architects: Sou Fujimoto Architects
utorok 27. marca 2012
Today is memory of
Mies van der Rohe
he was born in 27.3.1886. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, along with Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier, are widely regarded as the pioneering masters of modern architecture. He is often associated with the aphorisms "less is more"
Lets get more read here : http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Mies_van_der_Rohe
As you can see he prefer less is more. Such an excellent chair.Barcelona
Enzo Ferrari Museum
Hello everybody, today is such a windy day...brrr. Fuuu. It supposed to be 20 degrees.
Look at outside the spring is already here:) "
Found some great buildings on FUBIZ internet website. So enjoy this great building!
look what i also find on website:) its pretty for everybody for wearing
![]() |
http://www.fubiz.net/2012/03/24/enzo-ferrari-museum/ |
Look at outside the spring is already here:) "
Found some great buildings on FUBIZ internet website. So enjoy this great building!
look what i also find on website:) its pretty for everybody for wearing
Puma Hoodies Bag
Have an excellent day TODAY with Mies van Der ROHE
pondelok 26. marca 2012
Aichinger House
![]() |
http://www.fubiz.net/2012/03/25/aichinger-house/aichinger-house-04-1/ |
nedeľa 25. marca 2012
Santiago Calatrava
i fall in love...
![]() |
http://www.calatrava.com/ |
Also can enjoy http://www.metropolismag.com/pov/20100608/calatrava-waxes-poetic-about-dance-and-design
piatok 23. marca 2012
streda 21. marca 2012
the international day of poem
Today is international day of poem, so try to write some.
Here is mine:
pod oknom sumraku
stojim a pozeram
na teba na seba
do zrkadla sa divam
nechodim dookola
po spickach sa zakradam
idem k tebe priatelu moj
na karamel s vonou vanilky
ved ma poznas
ved to som ja
under the window of gloom
standing and watch
to you to me
i look to the mirror
not walking around
tiptoes to sneak
I am coming to you my friend
for the caramel with vanilla you
know me
sure thats me
Here is mine:
pod oknom sumraku
stojim a pozeram
na teba na seba
do zrkadla sa divam
nechodim dookola
po spickach sa zakradam
idem k tebe priatelu moj
na karamel s vonou vanilky
ved ma poznas
ved to som ja
under the window of gloom
standing and watch
to you to me
i look to the mirror
not walking around
tiptoes to sneak
I am coming to you my friend
for the caramel with vanilla you
know me
sure thats me
utorok 13. marca 2012
like his style
well just like his style, if you check his website will see what i am talking about. so delicous architecture combine with love of design and warm materials. :) i am talking about Peter Zumthor. hm this name saying too much:)
enjoy this sunny day, should be around 10/15degrees. maybe you can visit hometown and just have a date with them:) hm? isnt it good idea?
and will see some great parts https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiNcmeVzR3WxbDTchVpxfs6X6AZcGONpadap27SlyNpsEpwogbbcF3N3cGrVZHrNBcwBga6loHPEltHar1oASVZoasw2aIvHSTXEijBvcRyQ-SC1IcBIfRbwE9p_0JgumJQTfWGpwnk5m8U/s1600/Obr%C3%A1zok+965.jpg
pretty love this way to my favourite coffeteria https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh0W0MOedyjLuDFckN47TSJ58nwpeI9a5SDiCq6M7gRGEqSaGvfkgxhVnbMqCfPvyXdi41WQt6oQCFcGc2JfseZDrlOfekmanSVIoClIZzC7akvEC5jwNAXNktAwMvEn-GZaQCw10Y9Pbm3/s1600/Obr%C3%A1zok+953.jpg
could shop around :) http://marketamedas.blogspot.com/2012/01/bijoux.html
or just relax http://marketamedas.blogspot.com/2012/01/sedacka-ala-tono.html
enjoy this sunny day, should be around 10/15degrees. maybe you can visit hometown and just have a date with them:) hm? isnt it good idea?
and will see some great parts https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiNcmeVzR3WxbDTchVpxfs6X6AZcGONpadap27SlyNpsEpwogbbcF3N3cGrVZHrNBcwBga6loHPEltHar1oASVZoasw2aIvHSTXEijBvcRyQ-SC1IcBIfRbwE9p_0JgumJQTfWGpwnk5m8U/s1600/Obr%C3%A1zok+965.jpg
pretty love this way to my favourite coffeteria https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh0W0MOedyjLuDFckN47TSJ58nwpeI9a5SDiCq6M7gRGEqSaGvfkgxhVnbMqCfPvyXdi41WQt6oQCFcGc2JfseZDrlOfekmanSVIoClIZzC7akvEC5jwNAXNktAwMvEn-GZaQCw10Y9Pbm3/s1600/Obr%C3%A1zok+953.jpg
could shop around :) http://marketamedas.blogspot.com/2012/01/bijoux.html
or just relax http://marketamedas.blogspot.com/2012/01/sedacka-ala-tono.html
Hotel AYRE
enjoy this hotel AYRE in Barcelona my favourite city
Also tell me something about how did you start your week? I visit my lovely friend she is a spiritual woman and we spoke hours and hours about energy. After that had hard dance training , hard for muscle.. but easy for do it:) and continue with some coffe with my friends and talking about votes "D well doesnt seems right for our country:( lets leave it and enjoy this:
if you wanna know something about construction or architecture try this website :
or just can have a nice day :) http://www.fubiz.net/2012/03/12/the-shoes-time-to-dance/
nedeľa 11. marca 2012
takto krasne sme zacali vecer pred
how beutifull we started evening before everything
will post more pictures from whole event, just enjoy this
and sure you have to see website of perfect dancer Jaro Vinarsky
and this one
and i have to remend you this also this great dancer
and we continue weekend as Body and communication like this
here we go:)
how beutifull we started evening before everything
will post more pictures from whole event, just enjoy this
and sure you have to see website of perfect dancer Jaro Vinarsky
and this one
and i have to remend you this also this great dancer
and we continue weekend as Body and communication like this
here we go:)
piatok 2. marca 2012
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