Story of small redesign of kitchen.

One beautifull lady ask me for some help with redesign of kitchen doors. She wanted a new look. Asked me for som help with colors choose, cause she wanted some wood, but she wasnt sure about it. When I showed her some options, she realized for just simple color - white. I am so happy she did this solution. Because she wanted keep that white color in, the kitchen before has 3 colors, white, red and maple. But she also wanted more wood. Can you imagine how hard has to be for her? Iam so happy she asked me for help. Her solutions of keep white color kitchen was great idea. And we could go for more challange. Recomend her change that yelow color of the wall in kitchen which continue to the living room switch it for grey color. Little confused she was. But again I was so happy she came with another solution - I want a wallpaper. Perfect choose from her side. And finally when we met, she understood its gonna be good way make that wall fully grey. Sure with part of wallpaper. After we talked I helped her with other 2 rooms, and it was such a great time we spend together. I am too happy that she trust me, of course she was confused. Cause she couldnt imagine that. But I am happy after redesign she was satisfied. My client send me pictures and she was so thankfull that asked me for idea.
Thank God that I can meet nice people like this..
#architectmarketamedas #MarketaMedas #bymarketa
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